The incredible third and final film in the series of TV spots directed by Oscar Sansom for Fibrus Broadband is now released. This time we follow two sisters as they take on the 'Supersonic Thunder Rocket' rollercoaster...
From Night shoots, elaborate art department and VFX design nothing was more challenging in this series of films for Fibrus than the approach to capturing the rollercoaster scenes. Sansom's approach for this film involved capturing a lot of the action on location with the cast on a real rollercoaster, which made this an extremely complex and technical production to pull off:
"I wanted to capture as much of the film on a real rollercoaster as possible, there is no real substitute for actuality in this kind of circumstance! This obviously creates some huge technical challenges though. Mounting a cinema camera onto a really serious rollercoaster with a full cast in it had to be done in an extremely meticulous and precise way and involved some incredible feats of design and engineering. Luckily I have the pleasure of working with an incredible team who made this challenge seem easy and I am super happy with the results we managed to achieve. I have to give massive props to all of our cast too for being so game for this approach which involved a lot of rollercoaster time!" Oscar Sansom
You can see the film now on TV, VOD, at cinemas and online... or alternatively just watch it below!